Saturday, June 13, 2009

My New Scales

I have finally obtained a scale to weigh my equipment at home. Up to this point I have utilized the mail scale at work but that set up was definitely not ideal. I actually received two scales so if anyone would like to borrow one to get a baseline gear weight just let me


  1. Hmmm... Where did you get them from? Oh, wait, I think I can figure this one out!

  2. Great blog Jeff. Keep posting those pics and videos.

    Btw, I'd love to see your fall gear list for the Illinois trip. I try to keep weight down, but I'm not in your league :-)

    Btw, ever listen to the Backpacking Light podcast interviews when he was hiking the Nation's Ice Box? The guy is hardcore.

  3. Tom,

    I have been following every trip Skurka has made since the Great Western Loop and have watched the videos many times, that guy is amazing! You will see in my gear list some interesting correlations between his setup and my own, but,why re-invent the wheel? I will get the current gear list with weights posted for all to see...there will hopefully be a few changes before the Illinois trip (santa claus). jm
